Products TEST

“Quality means doing it right when nobody is looking” – H. Ford

Our specialized staff allows to carry out targeted studies to evaluate which materials make the product more effective, how to design it in such a way that it is as functional as possible.

Product tests are carried out on products not yet on the market, if not even in the design phase. VDGLAB establishes, from time to time, the most suitable tools to ensure that confidential information is treated with the strictest discretion both by the test staff and by the participants themselves.

The tests we can carry out on materials and products are many, among these we find: Photometric test, Climatic and thermal test, Electrical test, IK Impact test, Wind test, etc.

For the realization of the tests we use both consolidated and innovative methodologies, chosen not only according to the type of product and its appearance, but also to the development phase reached by the product itself when the test is carried out; in fact, in testing an idea of product it is important to obtain types of information that are very different from those sought in the tests of material ready for marketing.